Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Perform Technical Work And Enhance Skills ââ¬Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Perform Technical Work And Enhance Skills? Answer: Introducation To become an expert engineer, it is important to collaborate with other people in order to learn how to perform technical work and enhance skills (Shen, 2010). Various aspects of engineering practice require effective collaboration for work to be effectively performed. Collaboration in the engineering practice can involve several expert engineers working together to solve a specific problem or an expert engineer working with new engineers to help them gain work-specific skills (Whitehead, 2007). As an engineering student, technical skills are easy to apply in any scenario that involves collaboration. Recently, I was involved in a class project which was done in groups of five. The project required people with technical drawing skills as well as communication skills. I was appointed as the group leader and was responsible for ensuring group activities were completed as expected. Through the collaboration, the group members were able to complete the project in time. The collaboration e xperience in the group gave me insight into my strengths and weaknesses. I realized that I need to improve my communication skills in order to communicate with others effectively. Besides my shortcomings, I found collaboration to be a key tool for achieving success in team projects. Collaboration was great for the project as it required different skills are required, but it was undermined by disagreements which accounting group communication. Recently, I was appointed as a leader of a football team. As the leader, I was responsible for overseeing team activities and reporting issues that emerge to the team manager. My roles in the team included developing a training schedule, sending match invitations, and changing players. The leadership role required effective communication and leadership skills in order to manage the team well. Often, I had to advise players who faced issues when playing on the field. In one case, I had to instruct one player to work on his dribbling skills in order to become an effective mid-fielder who could help the team to score more goals. Instructing the players was not an easy process. Some players ignored my instructions and at times challenged the advice I gave. Being the team leader, I had to handle such cases with caution to prevent conflicts which could turn dysfunctional and harm the harmony in the team (Deutsch, 2011). In cases where team players disagreed with my instructions, I requeste d their opinions to gain an insight into their preferences and find a solution that could work for both of us. This resolution process was effective and assisted me to forge strong bonds with the team members. To succeed as an engineer in any country, I have to possess several competencies which include analytical thinking, change leadership, organizational awareness, and teamwork. I believe that I have weaknesses in these competencies and need to work on improving my work behaviours in order to succeed in my career. As an engineer, I have to enhance my analytical thinking behaviour in order to effectively understand a situation, assess different aspects of it, review the implications, and determine causal relationships. With regards to this work behaviour, I have to improve my skills in breaking down problems and pulling together observations in a clear format. Change leadership involves initiating and managing change (Anderson, 2010). I have to work on this behaviour by enhancing my ability to interact with others to identify the need for change and actively support the change process. Organizational awareness is a key work competency that is vital in the decision-making process (Robbins , 2009). Given my weakness in this competency, I have to enhance my ability to understand authority structure and predict situations that can affect stakeholders in the organization. Additionally, I have to enhance my capability to work cooperatively with others in groups of any size towards a common goal and share information freely. I believe Im slightly effective in managing my time. In most cases, I deliver my work in time and rarely do I miss to meet deadlines. I can attribute my success in managing time to three key behaviours: goal setting, prioritizing, and managing distractions. I usually set personal goals to manage my time well as goals give me a vision of what I should work towards. Having established goals, I can manage my resources, priorities, and resources. I prioritize my goals based on importance and the timeframe required to achieve them. Prioritizing goals enables me to focus on the most important tasks that need to be completed before embarking on the rest (Schmidt, 2007). Im also effective in avoiding distractions such as chatting which can prevent me from achieving my goals. However, I also have poor behaviours that affect how I manage my time. I tend to procrastinate which affects my focus. Procrastination influences how I create my schedule. Sometimes, I put off important tasks that should be completed as early as possible. This behaviour has made me fail to complete some of my projects on time. marketing is another poor behaviour that has a negative impact on how I manage my time. Multitasking increases work load, and the result is that most tasks are done poorly and are not delivered on time (Mackenzie, 2009). As a budding engineer, I seek to work for top manufacturing companies such as Toyota where I can get exposed to real-world activities and build my career. Such companies are essential in developing work-specific skills and building an amazing work portfolio that may improve my job reputation as well as my expertise in engineering (Maurer, 2008). In the workplace, I would want to be part of a team involved in process design. Typically, I would want to be involved in the design of objects or items to be manufactured in a company. Based on my technical skills, I believe this position suits me best. The engineering practice requires various skills. STEM (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics) knowledge is essential in solving engineering problems. I need strong analytical skills and ability to work in a team in order to effectively perform tasks assigned (Hwang, 2013). I also need to possess excellent communication skills and be attentive to details which are vital for the succes s of projects (Bell, 2010). I can develop work-specific skills by learning through the job experience as well as furthering my education to gain skills relevant to my career. References Anderson, D. and Anderson, L.A., 2010.Beyond change management: How to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. John Wiley Sons. Bell, S., 2010. Project-based learning for the 21st century: Skills for the future.The Clearing House,83(2), pp.39-43. Deutsch, M., Coleman, P.T. and Marcus, E.C. eds., 2011.The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice. John Wiley Sons. Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges.International Journal of Project Management,31(2), pp.272-284. Mackenzie, A. and Nickerson, P., 2009.The time trap: The classic book on time management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Maurer, T.J., Lippstreu, M. and Judge, T.A., 2008. Structural model of employee involvement in skill development activity: The role of individual differences.Journal of Vocational Behavior,72(3), pp.336-350. Robbins, S.P., 2009.Organizational Behavior, 13/E. Pearson Education India. Schmidt, A.M. and DeShon, R.P., 2007. What to do? The effects of discrepancies, psychology, and time on dynamic goal prioritization.Journal of Applied Psychology,92(4), p.928. Shen, W., Hao, Q., Mak, H., Neelamkavil, J., Xie, H., Dickinson, J., Thomas, R., Pardasani, A. and Xue, H., 2010. Systems integration and collaboration in architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management: A review.Advanced Engineering Informatics,24(2), pp.196-207. Whitehead, J., 2007, May. Collaboration in software engineering: A roadmap. In2007 Future of Software Engineering(pp. 214-225). business Computer Society.
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